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Big Bazaar Fixed Deposit Scheme 2020 | Big Bazaar 2020 Fixed Deposit Scheme

Big Bazaar Fixed Deposit Scheme 2020 | 2020 Big Bazaar Fixed Deposit Scheme 
Fixed Deposit Scheme Details | Big Bazaar Fixed Deposit Scheme
Big Bazaar 2020 Fixed Deposit Scheme
Scheme Options & Rate of Interest:

The Fixed Deposits of the Company has been Rated “CARE AA- (FD), Stable” (Double A Minus (Fixed Deposit); Outlook Stable) by CARE Ratings Limited.
The Company is offering two Schemes, Cumulative & Non-Cumulative for 3 different tenures each, as tabled below:
Cumulative Scheme
Non-Cumulative Scheme
Scheme Code
CS 1
CS 2
CS 3
NS 1
NS 2
NS 3
1 Year
2 Years
3 Years
1 Year
2 Years
3 Years
Rate of Interest for Deposit from Public
(bearing yield of approximately)
9.10% p.a.
9.60% p.a
10.10% p.a.

(9.40% p.a.)
(10.40% p.a.)
(11.60% p.a.)
9.00% p.a.
9.50% p.a
10.00% p.a
Minimum Deposit Amount:
Deposits will be accepted in multiples of Rs. 1,000/-, subject to a minimum of Rs. 10,000/-

Additional Rate of Interest:

Additional Interest of 0.25% p.a. is offered to Shareholders of the Company, Existing Employees of Future Group, Senior Citizen, Members of Future Group Customer Loyalty program viz. Future Pay, Big Bazaar Profit Club, Easyday Saving Club, irrespective of eligibility of Depositor in one or more categories.
Interest Frequency & Payment:
Big Bazaar 2020 Fixed Deposit Scheme
Both the Scheme are offering Quarterly Interest frequencies:
In case of Non-Cumulative FDs, the Interest will be paid to the First/ Sole Applicants Bank Account at the end of Calendar Quarters and at Maturity or on previous business day in case end of quarter happens to be a Holiday.
In case of Cumulative Deposits, the Interest is compounded (added to the Principal) at the end of each Calendar Quarter and will be paid to the First/ Sole Applicants Bank Account, on maturity date or on previous business day, in case the maturity date happens to be a holiday.
Payment of interest and principal will be made by direct credit in sole/first-named depositor’s bank account through ECS/ Direct Credit/ RTGS/ NEFT.

Who Can Apply:

Any Resident Individual, Company, Partnership Firm, Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), Trust & Foundation can apply in the Fixed Deposit of the Company.
Non- Resident Indian and Foreign National are not eligible to apply in the Fixed Deposit Schemes.

Where to Apply:

The Applicant can approach the nearest designated Future Group Outlets such as Big Bazaar/ fbb/ Central/ Brand Factory/ easyday/ Heritage Fresh/ Nilgiris/ foodworld wherein the Application Forms will be made available. The applicant can submit the Forms at such Designated Stores along with the necessary documents.
The Applicant can also download the Application Form from the Company website (https://felindia.in/deposits/application_form.html) and post/courier to FD Department of the Company at City Gold Mall, 3rd Floor, Near Shyamal Cross Road, 132, Feet Ring Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad - 380 015.
Mode of Payment for application:

Payments can be made by either of the following modes:
  • Cheque / bank draft drawn on a scheduled bank and crossed “A/C PAYEE”, drawn in favour of “FEL - Fixed Deposit Application Account”
  • Swipe of debit card at the Designated Future Group Outlets.
  • In cash (up to Rs. 20,000/ p.a. per depositor) at the Designated Future Group Outlets.
  • Through RTGS/NEFT or fund transfer into FEL's Bank Account on any Bank working day. Bank account details for the remittance of funds is
A ) Beneficiary Name: FEL – Fixed Deposit Application Account.
B ) Account No.: FELD+Depositor's PAN (i.e. if PAN of the depositor is ABCDE1234Z then account number should be mentioned as FELDABCDE1234Z)
C ) IFSC Code: UTIB0CCH274
D ) Bank Name & Branch: Axis Bank, Fort Branch, Mumbai.
The application form duly filled in along with the UTR No./payment reference number to be submitted at FD Department of the Company at City Gold Mall, 3rd Floor, Near Shyamal Cross Road, 132, Feet Ring Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad – 380 015.
Mode of Issuance of FD:

The Applicant has an option to either receive the Physical Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) or a Digital FDR. The same is to be selected at the time of application.
Physical FDR will be couriered to the registered address of the Sole/ First Applicant whereas the Digital FDR will be mailed on the registered email ID of the Sole/ First Applicant.

Prematurity of FD:

Deposits will be repaid only on maturity, however as per the statute, no pre-mature withdrawal of deposits is allowed within a period of less than six months from the date of acceptance or renewal of such deposit.
For pre-mature withdrawal of deposits after the expiry of a period of six months from the date of such deposit, the Company will allow such withdrawal subject to reduction in rate of interest by 1% from the applicable rate of interest, for which tenure deposit remain invested with the Company.
For the above purpose broken period of less than six months will be ignored and six months and above will be considered as full year.
For such cases the Physical Deposit Receipt, must be discharged by all the joint holders along with a written request for pre-mature withdrawal signed by all of them. In case of Digital FDR, the Pre mature withdrawal request form duly signed by all Applicants is to be submitted.

Maturity Process:
In case of Physical FD, the Depositor would have to Discharge (signing) the Physical FD by all Applicants by affixing Rs. 1 Revenue Stamp and submit the same to Central FD Dept. at least 15 days prior to the date of maturity date. Post receipt of discharged FD, the maturity proceeds shall be credited in the Bank Account of the Sole/ First Applicant.
In case of Digital FD, the maturity proceeds will be credited in the Bank Account of the Sole/ First Applicant on the maturity date.

Renewal of FD:

Renewal of Fixed Deposit will be done in multiples of Rs. 1,000 and interest in excess thereof will be refunded to the depositor through RTGS / NEFT / ECS / Direct Credit.
Renewal of the Deposits shall be subject to Scheme of Deposit and terms & conditions thereof prevailing on the date of renewal and as per the discretion of the Company.
source:More Details Visits: https://felindia.in/deposits/scheme_details.html

Big Bazaar 2020 Fixed Deposit Scheme

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#future group fixed deposit, fixed deposits, future enterprises fixed deposits, fd,big bazaar fd,Big Bazaar, FBB( Fashion Big Bazaar),Future Group Fixed Deposit, fixed deposits, Future Enterprises fixed deposits, FD,Big Bazaar fd,Big Bazaar 2020 Fixed Deposit Scheme

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