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What is UTR Number? How to track UTR

What is UTR Number? How to track UTR step by step

You transferred money from your bank account somewhere and it did not reach the beneficiary's account. In this case, you can inquire at the bank or through its customer care number. To solve your problem, the bank or customer care number can be asked for the UTR number of that transaction. What is this UTR number? What is its full form and meaning? What is its importance? The answer to all these questions is being given to you in this article.

Full form and meaning of UTR : The full form of UTR number is Unique Transaction Reference Number. 

What is UTR number?

Whenever there is a transaction of money between any two bank accounts, a special transaction number is issued for it. In this number, the IFSC code of the sending bank, date of transaction, time etc. is hidden. This is called Unique Transaction Reference Number (UTR). Because it is such a number, which cannot be of any other transaction in the world. That is why, it is called Unique Transaction Reference Number or Unique Transaction Reference Number (UTR). In short, it is also called just transaction number or reference number.

Importance of UTR Number : With the help of UTR number, you can know the status of your transaction or fund transfer. Status shows whether the transaction has been completed or not. If the transaction is stuck somewhere in the middle, then where and why, it also gets information from the Status. In the early stages of online banking in India, there have been 2 ways to transfer money - NEFT transfer and RTGS transfer . In both types of fund transfer, UTR number is issued for every transaction.

Later on, new methods of payment and fund transfer were developed, such as IMPS, UPI, AePS etc. From them, money started to be transferred more quickly and easily. Every transaction done through these new modes also has a transaction number or reference number, but the UTR number is issued only for NEFT transfer and RTGS transfer.

Information hidden in UTR number Information in UTR number

There is a slight difference in the structure of the UTR number of NEFT and RTGS transactions. While the UTR number for NEFT transactions is 16 digits, the UTR number for RTGS transactions consists of 22 digits. The difference between NEFT and RTGS transactions and the characteristics of their UTR numbers are explained separately-

UTR number of NEFT transaction

The full form of NEFT is National Electronic Funds Transfer. This service was introduced by RBI in November 2005 to facilitate online money transfer between two bank accounts. Initially this service was available only on banking working days and during the day. And on behalf of the Reserve Bank, these transactions were settled in one-hour batches. Batch means that the number of transactions people do every hour, all of them were transferred together.

From December 2019, it was made operational round the clock on all days of the year. But, even now NEFT transfers are done in half-and-a-half-hour batches. That is why the NEFT transaction is not completed immediately.

 As we have mentioned above that 16 digit UTR number is issued for NEFT transactions. It is in the following format-


The following information is hidden in the numbers included in it-

  • First 4 digits: The first four digits represent the IFSC code of the sending bank
  • Next 1 digit: The next one digit represents the server used for the transaction
  • Next 2 digits: Next two digits are for the year e.g. 19 means 2019
  • Next 3 digits: The next three digits represent the Julian day number. This is the number of days since the beginning of the Julian period.
  • Next 6 digits: The next six digits represent the sequence number of that transaction

UTR number of RTGS transaction

The full form of RTGS is Real Time Gross Settlement. To understand its meaning, pay attention to the words involved-
  • Real time means that the money will be transferred exactly at the time the transaction is done.
  • Gross settlement means that whatever amount is required for one transaction, only that amount will be transferred immediately. To transfer multiple transactions at once, like NEFT Transfer, there will be no collection. The process of fund transfer will be different for each transaction, each time.
  • But, RTGS is used only for lump sum payment of more than Rs 2 lakh.
As we have mentioned above that the UTR number of any RTGS transaction is 22 digits. Its format is as follows-


The following information is hidden in the numbers included in it-
  • First 4 Digits: The first four digits represent the IFSC code of the sending bank
  • Next 1 Digit: Here R is written, which means this transaction is RTGS related.
  • Next 1 Digit: The digit present here shows the channel of that transaction. For example, 1 for Internet Banking, 3 for Treasury, 4 for ATM, 5 for Mobile.
  • Next 4 Digits: The next four digits indicate the year at the time of the transaction.
  • Next 2 Digits: The next two digits indicate the month of the time of the transaction.
  • Next 2 Digits: The next two digits indicate the date at the time of the transaction.
  • Next 8 Digits: In the last eight digits, the sequence number of that transaction is entered.

How to find UTR Number

UTR number is issued for both NEFT and RTGS transactions. But normal customers mostly use NEFT transactions. So here we are just telling how to find the UTR number of NEFT transaction. The method of knowing the UTR number of RTGS payment is also similar.

How to check UTR number of any NEFT transaction?

  • Using NetBanking, login to your bank account using your username and password.
  • Check Mini Statement or Detailed Statement of your account.
  • Click on the transaction details of the transaction whose UTR number you want to check.
  • On the screen, you will see the details related to that transaction. UTR number will also be entered in it. The data that appears starting with the IFSC code of the bank is the UTR number. (as per the format mentioned above)

UTR number for IMPS and UPI Transactions

For IMPS and UPI transactions, the UTR number is not issued. Rather, only reference number or transaction number is issued for them. It is of 12 digits. The first digit of each reference number is the last digit of the year issued at that time. As if-
  • The first digit of the transaction number will be 0 for all the transactions done during the year 2020. Such as- 012569076543, 095674896389
  • The first digit of the transaction number will be 1 for all transactions done during the year 2020. Such as- 105896765432, 165789549567

How to track the status of a transaction with a UTR number

With the help of UTR number, you can know the status of your transaction. You have two ways for this-

Internet Banking or Mobile App
  • Login to your account using Internet Banking or Mobile App. View a list of past deals.
  • From the list of UTR numbers appearing in front, click on that number, about which you want to know. 
  • You will get to know the current status of the transaction related to it

With the help of customer care

Call your bank's customer care number. When asked by the person attending the customer care, you will have to provide the UTR number of the transaction about which one wants to make an enquiry. Based on the UTR number, it will tell you about the current status of your transaction.

In England, the UTR number is related to tax

In England, the UTR number stands for Unique Taxpayer Reference Number, which is the number of the tax payer through Self Assessment. Whereas in India, the UTR number stands for the reference number of a transaction.

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